Apr 20, 2011

Pun Boleh.

Hari ini aku cemburu melihat rakan-rakan seperjuangan ke temuduga-temuduga program lepasan SPM.

Lebih cemburu apabila mereka memohon program ijazah luar negara.Kejadah.

Sedangkan dulu,aku yang semangat.Mungkin terlalu bersemangat.


Siapa sangka...
Aku tidak pergi ke temuduga-temuduga program lepasan SPM...

Siapa sangka...
Sijil-sijil yang penuh dengan pelbagai jenis pencapaian kini tidak bermakna lagi...

Siapa sangka...
Temuduga Skim Pelajar Mara merupakan temuduga aku yang pertama dan terakhir...


Siapa sangka...
Aku bakal melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang perubatan di Malaysia..


"Bro,i never taught that i would be staying man".
"Well you never know,God works in a miraculous way" kata Azmair.

Terima kasih.

"Mereka ke luar negara membeli pengalaman tetapi kita di sini membeli masa" kata Amir Shafiq.

Terima kasih.

This fast track programme offered by MARA is the only reason why i didn't go to any other interviews.

This programme is the only reason why i stayed.

Maybe it is fated.

There are no other reasons.Definitely.

It doesn't matter where you study.The outcome is still the same.I would still get the MBBS.What matters now is time.Maybe i would graduate the same year as my seniors and that would be very advantageous.

Whether it is Malaysia or any other foreign countries.
As long as i become a doctor,
Mana-mana pun boleh!
Teringat slogan Afnan Rahman.

To those who applied for PILN and would be studying abroad, I wish you all the the best.

And to those who would be studying in Malaysia, I wish you all the best too.
Whatever happens,Allah knows best.
So,pray for the best.


Anonymous said...

all the best ! =)

hanisa sabrina said...


Allah knows best.

btw, where's your previous post eh ? abt kerjasama tu .

dilah nasir :) said...

nice one ! just like what i felt .
kadang2 jealous gak en tgk dorang ,
apetah lagi time dorang fly nnt .
things happened for reasons . takpe weh takpe .
malaysia pun boleh ! haha (;